Table Of Grace (You've called us to eat from Your table)
Täusch dich nicht (Wenn du denkst: Ich bin allein)
Tagesanfang, hell und still -> Du bist da
Tageserwachen, ein neuer Morgen
Tage vergehn, Stunden verrinnen (Ein Tag nach dem andern geht vorbei)
Tage voll Plage, voll Schatten die Nacht -> Teile das Meer
Tage wie diese
Tag für Tag
Tag für Tag die gleichen Sorgen -> Vor uns liegt ein weites Land
Take All I Have (You And Me Alone)
Take All Of Me
Take It All
Take me (You are the answer for my life)
Take my heart, I lay it down -> Only You
Take my life, and let it be consecrated
Take my life (Holiness holiness is what I long for)
Take The Shackles Off My Feet
Take the world but give me Jesus -> I've thrown it all away
Take us to the river
Talisman und Schornsteinfeger
Tanzen, schreien, singen (Ja, ich weiß, dass Gott mich liebt)
tanze, schreie, singe -> Jo, i weiss, Gott het mich gärn
Tanzlied der Kleinsten -> Halleluja! La, la, la, la
Tanzt und singt
Tapp, tapp zieh deine Spur
Tau aus Himmelshöhn -> Advents-Kyrie
Tauch die Finger in das Wasser (Armer Lazarus)
Tauch hinein (In uns wohnt eine Macht)
Taufe dieses Kindelein
Taufkerzenlied (Gott hat gesagt: "Ich bin bei Dir, und durch die Taufe gehörst Du zu mir!")
Tausch die Traurigkeit gegen Freude ein (Seine Liebe feiern wir)
Tausend Dinge dieser Welt
Tausende Stunden -> Näher zu dir
Tausende Stunden (Näher zu dir)
Teach me thy way, o Lord
Teach my heart -> Breathe on me
Tears in Heaven
Te deum: Herr Gott, dich loben wir
Teil dieser Geschichte (Am Anfang war die Erde noch dunkel, wüst und leer)
Teile das Meer (Tage voll Plage, voll Schatten die Nacht)
Teilt das Brot mit anderen
Tell me who's the man (In the stillness)
Tell The World
Tempel des Geistes -> Kopf und Nase
Tender mercy (As we close our eyes / As I close my eyes)
Testify To Love (All the colors of the rainbow)
Teurer Benz -> Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein
Teures Wort aus Gottes Munde
Thank the Lord (There may be troubles and sorrows)
Thank You for saving me
Thank You for the cross (Even when we turned our backs on you)
Thank you for the cross -> Worthy is the lamb
Thank You For The Food We Eat
Thank you for the night
Thank You for Your kindness -> Thank You
Thank you heavenly father -> Jesus In My House
Thank You, Lord, For Giving Us Food -> Thank you Lord for givin' us food
Thank you Lord for givin' us food (Thank You, Lord, For Giving Us Food)
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul
Thank You (Thank You for Your kindness)
That's Why We Praise Him (He came to live, live a perfect life)
The blind man / Blindman -> The lame man sat by the road and he cried
The Butterfly Song (If I were a butterfly)
The church's one foundation
The Church (We are the change, the world is waiting for)
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The demons tremble -> At the sound of that name
The father's song (If you could see)
The Father's Song (I have heard so many songs)
The first Nowell
The flood grows
The foggy dew
The foot bone connected -> Dem bones
The gospel train is coming -> Get on board, little children
The Greatest Day In History -> Happy Day
The greatest love -> 'Till I See You
The greatest thing in all my life
The harvest is great -> So send I you
The Healing Begins
The Heart Of Worship (When The Music Fades)
The house of Rising Sun (There is a house in New Orleans)
The joy of (Jesus) Christ my Lord is all my strength
The joy of the Lord is my strength
The joy of the Lord will be my strength
The King of love
The lame man sat by the road and he cried (The blind man / Blindman)
The Lion and The Lamb (He's coming on the clouds)
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (In the jungle)
The Look (I saw one hanging on a tree in agony)
The Lord Almighty reigns -> Hallelujah, the Lord reigns
The Lord be ahead of you -> Shalom, Shalom! His peace upon us!
The Lord has made for singing -> This is the day
The Lord is gracious and compassionate (Praise the Lord)
The lord is present here
The Lord reigns, the Lord reigns
The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want
The Lost Are Found
The majesty and glory of Your name
The more I seek you
The name of the Lord is a strong tower -> Blessed be the name of the Lord
The new start -> There was a time
The Noise We Make (This is the noise we make)
The olive trees -> Jerusalem, Jerusalem forever young
The One who made the blind to see -> Miracles
The Peace Of The Lord
The Potter's Hand -> Beautiful Lord
The Power Of The Cross (Oh to see the dawn of the darkest day. Christ on the road to Calvary)
The Power Of Your Love (Lord, I come to You)
The presence of the Lord is in this place
The Reason
There Is A Fountain Fill'd With Blood
There is a house in New Orleans -> The house of Rising Sun
There is a longing
There is a redeemer
There is a river -> In The River
There is a truth older than ages -> Jesus
There is a voice
There is a voice -> Jesus, friend of sinners
There is a voice that can be heard (The song of heaven)
There is none like You
There is no other name
There is no rock -> Rock of Ages
There Is Nothing Like
There Is One Song I Sing
There is peace (When there's shadow on your soul)
There is power in the name of Jesus
There is power -> Would you be free from your burden of sin
There ist nobody -> Nobody like Jesus
There may be troubles and sorrows -> Thank the Lord
There must be more -> Lord, I groan
There's a hunger in this wilderness (When You call my name)
There's a lot of pain -> Outrageous Grace
There's a louder shout to come
There's a new song arising
There's a place where mercy reigns and never dies -> At The Cross (Love Ran Red)
There's a place where the streets shine (Because of you)
There's a wind a-blowin' (Sweet wind)
There shall be showers of blessing (Showers of blessing)
There's no greater love than Jesus
There's no one like our God
There's nothing worth more that will ever come close -> Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
There's nowhere else (My God reigns)
There was a time (The new start)
The river of God -> Down the mountain
The River Wide -> You Are
The Rose
the same again -> I will never be
The Servant King (From heaven You came)
The servant song (Brother, let me be your servant)
The Servant Song (Bruder, laß mich dir so dienen)
The song of heaven -> There is a voice that can be heard
The Spirit is a-movin
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord
The Splendor Of The King -> How Great Is Our God
The Stand (You stood before creation)
The Sun Cannot Compare -> Offering
The sun sets in the sea
The trump shal resound -> Everybody bow down
The universe is at Your feet -> I adore
The vision of a dying world
The way I was made (Caught in the half-light)
The world comes in my heart -> I rejoice, I rejoice
The world is looking for a hero (Champion of the world)
The world's shaking -> My Glorious
This God is our God
This I believe / The creed (I believe in God our father)
This Is Amazing Grace (Who breaks the power of sin and darkness)
This is a message -> Keep the faith
This is how I know what love is -> Because Of Your Love
This Is How We Know
This is my commandment, that ye love one another
This is my desire, to honor You -> I give you my heart
This is my story -> Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
This Is Our God
This is our song about healing (Open skies)
This is the air I breathe -> Breathe
This is the day, that the Lord has made
This is the day (The Lord has made for singing)
This is the noise we make -> The Noise We Make
This is the sound of the secret place (Come, like You promise)
This ist my Island -> Island in the sun
This Is What You Do (Its always like springtime with You)
This Kingdom
This land is your land
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
This Song In My Heart -> Free To Dance
This thankful heart -> I will offer up my life
This, this is Christ (What child is this)
Thou art my God and I will praise Thee
Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy
Through Christ, You first loved me. -> He Is Greater
Through It All
Through it all (You are forever)
Through You I can do anything -> Nothing Is Impossible
Through You the blind will see -> I Am Free
Thuma mina
Thy Mercy (My God is the theme of my song)
Thy Word
Tief aus dem Herzen sing ich dir (Herr, deine Nähe)
Tiefer als jedes Lied dringt deine Liebe -> (Und ich sehe) Deine Liebe am Kreuz
Tief in meinen Gedanken -> Frieden, wunderbar klar
Tief in mir brennt ein Feuer
Tief in mir brennt ein heilges Feuer
Tief in mir hab ich Sehnsucht nach Dir
Tief in mir ruft alles (Befrei mich, Vater)
Tief in mir wächst mein Verlangen
Tief neigt der Himmel sich zu Armen
'Till I See You (The greatest love)
Tisch deiner Gnade (Den Tisch deiner Gnade bereitest du uns)
'Tis last rose of summer
Toben auch Stürme
Tochter Zion, freue dich
Tochter Zion, freue dich (Kanon)
Today I Choose To Follow You -> Today
Today Is The Day (I'm casting my cares aside)
Today (Today I Choose To Follow You)
Together in this place -> Emmanuel
To God be the glory (Praise the Lord)
Tomatensalat, Tomatensalat
Total am Ändi -> Lueged zu eusem Gott
Total am Ende -> Seht, da ist unser Gott
Total verschiede (Der einti isch schwarz)
Total verschieden (Der eine ist schwarz)
To the desperate eyes and reaching hands -> I Will Go
To The Ends Of The Earth
To You Alone (Every knee will bow)
To You (Here I stand)
To you I come in blindness -> You're the sun
To you, o Lord (I lift up my soul)
Trachte nur zuerst -> Gott segne dich
Trachtet nach dem, was droben ist
Trachtet nach dem, was droben ist (Kanon)
Trachtet zuerst nach dem Reiche des Herrn
Trachtet zuerst nach Gottes Reich (Halleluja, Halleluja)
Trachtet zuerst nach Gottes Reich (Kanon)
Trachtet zuerst nach Gottes Reich (Seht euch die Vögel des Himmels an)
Trachte zuerst nach dem Reiche deines Herrn -> Halleluja, Hallelu, Halleluja
Trade your heavy heart -> Celebrate the Lord of love
Trading My Sorrows
Trägst du mich Herr, wenn ich müde werde -> Der Herr ist treu
Träumend an der Schreibmaschin' -> Am Sonntag will mein Süßer mit mir segel gehn
Trag das Licht in die Welt
Tragt die Botschaft froh hinaus -> Jesus ist für alle da
Tragt in die Welt nun ein Licht
Trau dich ran -> Hast du schon mal ein Haus gebaut
Traure, Christenheit
Traut auf ihn, der am Kreuz einst starb
Traut sich die Liebe?
Treffen wir uns einmal dort im himmlischen Saal
Treff ich dich wohl bei der Quelle
Treu (Du bist die Hand, die mich hält und führt)
Treu (Du bleibst an meiner Seite)
Treue fängt schon im Kleinen an (Heiß oder kalt)
Treuer Heiland, wir sind hier
Treuer Hirte, komm und hilf uns -> Treuer Hirte
Treuer Hirte (Treuer Hirte, komm und hilf uns)
Treuer Wächter Israel'
Treue so weit -> Himmlischer Vater, es ist so gut
Treu, treu, treu (ist der, der uns berufen hat)
Treu und gütig ist der Herr
Tritt auf, lieber Freund (Wir brauchen deine Augen)
Triumphierend brach das Lamm -> Überwunden durch das Blut
Tröstet, ja tröstet mein Volk (Die Knechtschaft ist vorbei)
Tröstet mein Volk
Tröstet mein Volk
Tröstet, tröstet, spricht der Herr
Tröstet, tröstet, tröstet mein Volk (Baut dem Herrn eine Straße)
Trompeten hört ihr dann -> Mein Gott, welch ein Morgen
Trost, Gott ist mein Trost -> Gott ist meine Rettung
Trostlos und leer -> Wo soll ich hin
Trost und Trotz der Christenheit
Trotz vieler Wolken (Deine Liebe fließt in mir)
Tu auf dein Tor, du Stadt Jerusalem
Tu den ersten Schritt
Tudo em mim vai sentir (Na luz da manha, tao perto de Ti)
Türen sind verriegelt -> Am hellen Tag kam Jesu Geist
Tui amoris ignem
Tule, rauhan Henki
Tun, was noch keiner tat
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Tut mir auf die schöne Pforte
Tut mir leid, keine Zeit (Arbeit, Arbeit, wird geklagt)
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