Revive Thy work, o Lord
1) Revive thy work, o Lord! Thy mighty arm make bare;
speak with the voice that wakes the dead, and make thy people hear.
Refr.: Revive!... revive!... and give refreshing show'rs;
the glory shall be all thine own; the blessing shall be ours.
2) Revive thy work, o Lord! Disturb this sleep of death;
quicken the smould'ring embers now by thine almighty breath.
Revive!... revive!...
3) Revive thy work, o Lord! Create soulthirst for thee;
but hung'ring for the bread of life, o, may our spirits be.
Revive!... revive!...
4) Revive thy work, o Lord! And bless to all thy word!
And may its pure and sacred truth in living faith be heard!
Revive!... revive!...
Ich will dir danken! 306
Noten, mehrstimmig, Akkorde
Noten, mehrstimmig, Akkorde
Albert Midlane 1858
Frances Jane van Alstyne-Crosby 1860
James Mac Granahan 1860
Beleb dein Werk, o Herr
Heiliger Geist