Revive Thy work, o Lord

1) Revive thy work, o Lord! Thy mighty arm make bare;
speak with the voice that wakes the dead, and make thy people hear.

Refr.: Revive!... revive!... and give refreshing show'rs;
the glory shall be all thine own; the blessing shall be ours.

2) Revive thy work, o Lord! Disturb this sleep of death;
quicken the smould'ring embers now by thine almighty breath.
Revive!... revive!...

3) Revive thy work, o Lord! Create soulthirst for thee;
but hung'ring for the bread of life, o, may our spirits be.
Revive!... revive!...

4) Revive thy work, o Lord! And bless to all thy word!
And may its pure and sacred truth in living faith be heard!
Revive!... revive!...

Ich will dir danken! 306
 Noten, mehrstimmig, Akkorde
Text: Albert Midlane 1858 / Frances Jane van Alstyne-Crosby 1860
Melodie: James Mac Granahan 1860
Übersetzungen: Beleb dein Werk, o Herr
Themen: Bitte , Heiliger Geist
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